May is a funny month temperature wise - cold in the beginning, warm in the end!
So, let's see... the beginning of the month was cold and rainy - we did lots of indoor projects including a fair amount of arts/crafts. Our living room floor was taken over by the Hot Wheels track and we spent many hours creating new roads, hills and valleys and zooming the cars back and forth. For 80 cents per track piece - I must say we certainly got our moneys worth out of this simple toy!
I've been slowly picking away on different sewing projects. Here is a photo of my red ocean waves (Amy asked me about it a few posts ago - and this is my progress so far). I think this top has a good chance of being finished by the end of the summer and I know that once it is done I will be very happy with it - just got to get it to that stage! I also have hand sewn all my string tulip raw edges under - ready to machine applique now! And the flannel blanket for Little Boy. Sometimes at night I will pick up 1 of 2 knitting projects. Plus, I also started sewing all my purple/blue/pink strips into Chinese Coins as part of Judy's May stashbuster challenge - because I have a piece of dark blue fabric to use for the alternating solid columns!
Over the winter... some of the siding blew off the back of the house. I wanted the carpenter to just nail it back on -but the underside was completely rotted out. So - this is what that side of the house looks like right now. May seems to have been a month of things breaking!!! The side of the house, my lithium camera battery wouldn't take a charge anymore ($80 to replace!), the circuit board on my Janome 9000 (still don't know what that will cost to fix), AND the circuit board on my washing machine (a very expensive part), plus the repairman had to come out for the dishwasher. I also thought that my favorite kitchen knife was lost, but thankfully I found it - BEFORE I replaced it (phew!)! I usually cook withonly 2 knives (a chef's knife and a small knife) - both excellent quality. Loosing a favorite knife is NOT a good thing for me, so I was happy when it turned up.
May brings my birthday - and I always try to make my own cake. I like homemade cake and I like trying new recipes. Of course, for my own birthday I am always torn between a tried and true recipe or experimenting - this year I went with a new recipe... will have to share the recipe later!
And then, finally, finally, finally - the weather warms up. Now mind you - just a week ago our water pipes FROZE, so warm weather is a welcome change! And, once the warm weather hits - we are outside. The back of my truck loaded with periannals (the shop did a super-great job on fixing my truck from when I hit the deer)! I can't wait to see what these lovely additions will do for my beds! My NEW grill (up at my trailer - I love it so much now I am thinking I "need" one for home too?)!!!! Little Boy watering the new plants before they were planted - he loves to help Momma garden. And - although still a tiny bit chilly for the pool - he was anxious to get his pool set up - not to "swim" or sit in - but to play with his boats and toy fish. Oh - any excuse for a Little Boy to play with water!
So - that was May - in a small photo summary. My favorite days was the week spent up at the trailer, the 3 of us together as a family. DH got my grill all set up for me and we enjoyed being outside on the deck and cooking yummy dinners tremendously! It was a relaxing get-away!
You've been busy!....and that little guy is sure growing.
Nice summary - life is too busy sometimes to look at each day but its nice to see what you've been up to this month.
Great photo collage... the difference and contrasts in one month can be amazing. I "lost" many things this past month too.. (as in break-downs), my new laptop has finally arrived and I am hoping for a much better June! ;) I hope exactly the same for you!
Happy belated birthday!!
love how you put up all those photos...hope nothing else gets broke!
A good month, indeed ! Love your works and photos (especially Little boys, wearing sunglasses, and watering the plants...).
Hugs & smiles,
Love your photo collage! Hope you had a wonderful birthday, too.
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