Sunday, December 09, 2012

More St. Nicholas's

 If you read my last post - it was about St. Nicholas Day.  Turns out, we had our celebration 1 day early and I thought that would cover it.  Nope.  Wrong!  The very next day my son tells me that it is St. Nicholas Day and St. Nicholas is going to bring him a gift that night.  Huh?  He brought you something last night.  Well, that was the FAKE St. Nicholas - the REAL St. Nicholas was scheduled to come tonight.  OK - that meant I had to run out to the store to buy "milk" (read oranges, apples, peanuts, a St. Nicholas chocolate and the red bag).  Did that in the afternoon.  After homework we went downtown and the St. Nicholas's were out in full force!  These were church St. Nicholas's trying to get the kids to come in for some kind of kids' program they were having.

 We missed the "town" St. Nicholas by a matter of seconds - here he is going off on his horse drawn wagon!
 And here is another St. Nicholas - my son got an orange from him!
 St. Nicholas came to OUR house (my son basically got the exact same things the night before, but that wasn't from the REAL St. Nicholas, so he was absolutely sure that the REAL St. Nicholas was still coming to our house when he was sleeping, bless his heart).
And DH had purchased these 2 smaller chocolates of Krampus and St. Nicholas earlier at the store.
OK - I think we are done with St. Nicholas Day now for another year!  I have to say though - we have eaten all the oranges - they are so sweet this time of year!

1 comment:

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Happy St. Nicholas Day (X2!!). Little boy has grown into a fine young man already. :)