Here is a photo of my Broken Dishes quilt - with borders!
I like reading Jeanne's Month in Review posts, so have decided to start my own month end tally - sewing wise!
Let's see...
I went shopping and pretty much stuck to my list. Yeah!
Bordered the whirly-gig 1 top - ready for long armer!
Made 1 flower block and learned a new technique
Put the binding on Little Boy's I Spy - a finish!
Bordered 2 baby quilt tops - still to be quilted by me
Bordered my Broken Dishes top - ready for long armer!
Got a good start on my scrappy blue squares - one of my Top 25 quilts
Decided the pink pinwheel quilt is done... does that count?
Looked at my Dresden Flower blocks - does that count?
Made my girlfriend a dress
Made Little Boy a hat
Re-organized my stash by color vs. lights/darks - will blog about this later!
AND, put the bindings on 2 more quilts for Little Boy. Yes, yes, I know - I still have to blog about my binding experience with that #%#*@ binding gizmo gadget (does that give you a clue - in other words, if I were you, I wouldn't run right out and buy one!).
Wow, that is alot! I am really pleased!!! And lookie there - I FINISHED more projects than I started. I get a gold star for the month!
And now I am wondering how I did all that because I was on the Cape and visiting like crazy, (oh, but I had a sewing machine there!), went to NH to see my sister, drove 2 days to Canada. My sister and her son came to visit us, which was wonderful (oh, but we sewed together!). AND, I had the most awful cold in the entire world for 2 weeks. Honestly, by the time it started to finally go away I was beginning to wonder if I had it in me to cough 1 more time even if my life depended upon it. Thankfully I am hardly ever sick and this cold was a good reminder to me of how happy I can be for that fact!
Of course, I did other things related to life in general; some of them pretty time consuming and others very mundane. And, of course, being a Momma to a very active Little Boy!
What lies ahead for May? Well that remains to be seen, but a lot less sewing will be going on because it is getting time to think about my gardening! I am the flower pot queen! I have been very jealous of all of you in the warmer climes this past month showing off your gardening treasures, but finally, it is starting to warm up around here so my turn is right around the corner! I am thinking of putting in a very small garden for Little Boy this year - maybe a pumpkin patch? - he is already a very good helper in the garden - loves to water the plants. Plus, I want to make some cushions for my outdoor teak bench. Oh, and I have the bright idea to make some sort of window treatments for various windows - so I will keep you posted about that. Add a party for about 100 people to the mix and then a smaller party for family and friends (the small party is on the Cape - so add another trip down there). Oh wait - did I just say - another trip to the USA? Add some shopping to the list! And - that is the reason I have been trying like crazy to get my tops ready for long arm quilting - I will be mailing them from the states so I don't have to worry about customs (mail), etc.
I have an idea that May will just fly by and before I know it - it will be June!