Whirly Gig #1 is ready to go to the long arm quilter!
Remember that Top 25 list I posted awhile back? Well, this was one of the UFO's I had listed - actually, I'm making 2 of these quilts. I just started playing with the pattern one day with different colors and after making a bunch of blocks I realized that I had 2 different color schemes going - one fall and one tropical. So, I finished up the fall colored blocks and now have 9 lonely tropical blocks that need some friends. In anycase, this one is done! I am dreaming about some feathered quilting in all that yellow space... I always just have a panto done on my tops, but I think that all that open space calls for something more special! But, ummm - yeah, those BIG bias edges did stretch a wee bit - might have had something to do with this next photo, do you think?

Yup, my offical quilt jumper strikes again. I took this photo after I removed the riding car he was trying to ride over the quilt top on. Boys will be boys! Actually, it is just a slight little ripple - not bad at all - the 1st photo is of the quilt draped over a fence so of course it looks wavy. This photo is at my Dad's house - he has the very best kitchen floor for pinning quilts! Of course, I always think the kitchen is too wide when I am walking back and forth cooking, but it is perfect for laying quilts out on.
Here is a close-up of the beautiful yellow, green, and orange marbled fabrics and that border fabric, plus a block. Opps! Below the Amazon links...scroll down! I bought enough of the border fabric to cut it all in one piece along the length - maybe I should have mitred the corners, but I like it the way it is. Hey, done is done! Now, I wonder what I will do with the rest of that fabric? Hummm, maybe I can think far enough ahead to fall purses or placemats or something.

And last, but certainly not least - the pattern source... Traditional Quiltworks, Issue No. 60 (Display until March 8, 1999). The pattern says the quilt is 74X 94 1/2", but mine is a bit bigger because I used 2 borders. My outside borders I almost always cut at 6.5" - because that is the width of my ruler - good reason, huh? Anyway, I really love this pattern! You strip piece 3 fabrics together and then cut them out in a sort-ov chopped triangle shape. Piece the units together and - surprise - open up to see what you fabric choices look like (12" block)! Keeps it interesting and fun for me. It all went together absolutely perfectly too - something I always rejoice about!!! One down, but I must confess, I have found some forgotten UFO's since I've been poking around my sewing room a bit, so my list isn't shrinking.
If you buy something from Amazon, I would really appreciate it if you would use my links. Thank you so much!

that's very very lovely! hooray for your helper! I'm impressed that you can pin a quilt while he is awake!
what a great helper you've got.... STAMP of approval for sure...
What a great quilt and I just love your leaf border fabric - absolutely perfect for all those Fall colours.
Cute little helper as well!
Nice to see you back safe and sound. You sure get a lot done with a toddler in tow :)
Love the quilt and what a great helper you have. I'm curious though, if you don't mind answering my question. Why do you winter in Austria and summer in Canada?
Looks great! The border fabric goes really nice with the quilt.
You really get a lot done!!
I can tell your little helper has grown just since I've been reading your blog. He's such a cutie... and a good helper! :)
Judy L.
Bias edge on the outside???? Did you treat those as half square triangles, Evelyn?
Just a hint--I know its a pain to cut them but those should be cut as quarter square triangles so the bias edge is next to the blocks and straight of grain winds up on the outside. Bethany Reynolds has a chart online for what size to cut the needed squares based on the block size.
Trust me, I have made that mistake myself. You know, I still have not finished quilting that quilt--but that is partly because it is hand quilting and partly because I am scared that it is going to ripple like crazy.
Wow -- you're back at quilting already! This is a pretty one!
Are you feelig all settled yet, or having any adjustment/culture shock?
Jeanne :)
He may be a quilt jumper, but at least he's a CUTE quilt jumper!
Tell him that when you get it quilted, the sashing will make great roads to drive his little cars down. :)
Love your colors.
fantastic quilt Evelyn...and as usual a wonderful photo of little boy.
Your quilt looks very good and your little helper is very cute :-)
Oh this is a fun pattern. Your quilt top turned out wonderful! I'm so glad you posted it!
Gorgeous Whirlygig, Evelyn! Your color combo is luscious!
And there's Little Boy! Now a *fabric weight!* I bet Grandpa gets a kick out of him!
cool - btw no such thing as a too big kitchen!
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