Done, done, done! All quilted (by me!), bound and labeled. I used 6" novelty charms and the finished top is 51" X 61". Oh, and did I just say that I quilted it? Yes, you heard right. Every once in a great while I will actually quilt a top myself (although I do prefer sending them out). I think we tend to be our own worst critics, because even though I might not think it is the best quilting in the world - it is truly loved by one Little Boy, and at the end of the day - since the quilt is his, that is all that matters, right?
Take a look... I just did these free-hand while stitching...

My Little Darling!


Well, you get the idea. Every block has a different picture - I did a house, a tree with a flower, stars, crescent moon with a profile face, a swirling sun, apple, spelled out his name going diagonally - 1 letter per block, etc. etc. I hope you didn't laugh too loudly - I know, I know, I should try to draw these things out first and then they might look a little better, but that doesn't work for me - just doing it while at the machine is easier for me! With pen and paper I strive too much for perfect. If the sewing machine needle is humming along at a nice steady speed, I just go and go - and loop around and around to make a picture. The trick for me is to keep the speed always the same - if I slow down to think, I'm doomed - if I go to fast, well it is too fast. And before I know it - I have a block done, maybe not perfect, but done!
Finishing this quilt took awhile - and was a bit of a challenge for several reasons...
First, I ran out of red thread. And since I started the quilting with red thread, I wanted to finish it with red thread. So, it sat for a bit (a long bit) until I was able to actually 1) go to a store that sells thread and 2) remember to buy red thread because I usually only buy off white and gray for piecing!
Second, I lost the rest of that dark blue which I wanted to use for the binding. Or, maybe I used every little bit of that fabric already and just don't remember that part? I auditioned a few other fabrics for the binding and then finally decided - forget about the contrast - just use the light blue planets, even if it is a large-ish print and get the thing done!
And Third - I had basted the edges just to hold it all together, which was a good idea because Little Boy likes to play with this quilt on the floor. So, when I actually got back to work on it - he was very upset that it was full of pins and he couldn't play with it. Which meant - I only could work on it while he was sleeping! Needless to say - I machine stitched that binding on - not going to play tug-a-war while I am trying to hand sew the binding onto the back!
So, it is done - and that is a good thing, because the truth of the matter is - it has taken me so long to finish, and Little Boy has played on it sooo much, that it needs to be washed!!!
Think I will go back to dreaming about that long arm machine again...
Great quilt and I love the quilting you did. We are all to critical of what we do but I think you did great and I know Little Boy can't find a single thing wrong with that quilt!
Judy L.
I love how you filled the "plain blocks" even with a variety of "I spy" things. Way to go!!
ADORABLE......that is the only word I can think of to describe your Little Boy's quilt...what a lucky guy! I love the quilted motifs. I enjoy quilting on my machine, too. There are times I prefer going to my friends house and quilting on her Long Arm, but there are times I prefer to do things on mine, too!
What a great quilt and I love the added quilting motifs - very clever! I'm sure Little Boy is very happy with it.
well done and little boy is going to love, love, love it!
I like your quilt very much and I think your quilting is good. Your little boy will cherish this quilt, made by his loving mama :-)
It looks wonderful Evelyn!! I think you did a super duper job of the quilting. Lots of good decisions along the way, stuff we don't think about at the moment, at least I don't..*VBS* And DONE is such a good word, isn't it???
WOW...you have been busy!!! Love the quilting you did on Little Boy's I Spy Quilt!!! Also love the flower block AND the dresden plate blocks!! You do such nice work!
That quilting is awesome! Very clever to draw stuff instead of just cross hatching or stitch in the ditch!
Looks wonderful! Hooray for you for quilting it!
Oh what a wonderful I spy quilt for Little Boy! I bet he is loving it already! I love your cute quilting! It looks just perfect - made with love!
How awesome to get your ideas for quilting that are in your mind and heart transferred over to the quilt sandwich, Evelyn! You did a great job!
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