We've made cupcakes AND cookies, painted, made all kinds of block buildings and did more crafts. We made our weekly trip to the library - they have a beautiful tree set up right next to the reading sofa... I read and read and read to my son until my voice is hoarse. He likes several stories a day, plus some sort of reference book AND now he has added chapter books to the mix - right now we are reading a Magic School Bus book about the solar system. The other thing I convinced him of - Santa won't leave any toys at all if he sees how FULL the toy box/play area already is - so we spent some time sorting toys and taking toys out that are no longer played with. Almost all his toys fit in one play area and I want to keep it that way!
Me, well in little bits and pieces I've been working on a summer top and a summer dress - I am up to the zippers so next trip to the store - zippers are on the list. Yeah, OK, so maybe I am dreaming of warm summer days!!! LOL. More on these projects another post.
Well, I did make that fleece neck warmer and hope to make a few more for gifts - will get more fleece when I get the zippers. And, I went to my Thursday quilting group with dresden blades in hand to cut. I cut some and another lady helped me out. But, it is slow progress and cutting with scissors really aggrevates my carpal tunnel - so I've come up with the bright idea of cutting the straight edges with my rotary cutter and having DH cut the rounded edges for me when he comes back. But really, all in all - very slow progress with any sewing projects this week.
Cooking wise - well other than baking - not much activity in the kitchen either. I've stuck with pre-schooler approved food such as speghetti, meatballs, chicken noodle soup, ham steaks, rice, baked beans, mashed potatoes, boiled carrots, mixed veggies, pudding, apple sauce - well, you get the idea. I just haven't felt like cooking 2 seperate meals - 1 for him, 1 for me, this week.
Like I said, just a cold week. I think my energy is frozen somewhere in all that ice outside!
1 comment:
Oh, Little Boy and I like the same foods! =) It sounds as if all your creative mothering is being stretched to the limits. =) Summer *will* come again, and you will be prepared!
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