It started to snow yesterday morning and it is STILL snowing this morning. By late afternoon there was an irresistable build-up of snow out there and Little Boy and I just had to go out to play! Here is a special photo for DH so he can see how the new snowsuit fits that he airmailed over here last week - it is perfect! And, it's arrival was very timely, wouldn't you agree?
Last week when we were at the hardware store we bought 2 snow shovels - 1 Momma sized and the other just right for Little Boy. So, we spent some time shoveling - I concentrated on the doorway and walk-way over to the truck; and my son - well - he just randomly dug! When we got the shovels he was full of questions like WHY would I be buying snow shovels when there is no snow? I told him - always better to be prepared ahead of time and you know what he said to me yesterday? "Good thing we are prepared with our snowshovels, Momma!" We made snow angels, had snowball fights, took a walk and overall, just had fun! We were actually outside much longer than I anticipated which tells me that the snowsuit is nice and snuggy -wuggy warm. I expect we will do more of the same today.

Coming inside Little Boy decided that we should have some hot chocolate to celebrate the first snowstorm (we always celebrate such fun little daily events!). And, oh horrors - no cookies! So, we mixed up a batch of brownies - here's a photo of my Little Chef!!! And, of course, like all good chef's he samples his work along the way, what a chocolate mustache! I've misplaced his apron - got to find it soon.
love these adorable photos of LB! especially the tasting one :-)
What fun! I miss those days when my kids were little and everything was a celebration! Like the night we left the broken dish of chocolate pudding laying on the floor so we could all go out to see a rainbow...
My big mistake raising my daughter was to say I'm too busy when she asked to have a tea party. Sigh I miss those days thanks for sharing. Shirley
OH, I am so ENVIOUS of your snow!!! I miss that part about MN. Once in awhile we get snow here in KS but it never sticks. It's usually ICE! ICK!
Love your pictures, Evelyn! They'd all make delightful holiday cards!
Stay warm and safe!
I love the memories you build with Little Boy. Too bad he can't take a pic of you in *your* snowsuit! You were out as long as he was.
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