All through the year I've been slowly emptying containers. Goodwill, passed on, handed down, some to the dump - all gone. As I emptied a container - I would fit a smaller one into a larger empty one. And put it back from where it came from. This past week I was curious as to exactly how many empty containers I had so after the Christmas tree was put away - I stacked all the empties in the corner. Ta-Da! That is all "stuff" I won't have to organize anymore!
I still have 3 totes of photos - this coming year I hope to do something about that - whether I weed out the excess or scan the favorites, or buy some digital photo frames - I would like to get those 3 totes down to 1. And I have 3-4 totes of random stuff- those odds and ends (like my high school diploma, old coin collection, costume jewelery, childhood dolls, etc.) I never can seem to bear to part with. This coming year I would like to get those totes down to just 1.
For the New Year - I am still thinking about what my "goals" will be. I am thinking along the lines of schedules and structure... things that most people don't really like, but in the long run really make your life so much easier. I'll mull it over for another week or so before I come up with a game plan. Whatever I decide - it won't be an overnight process - just like my slow and steady progress in emptying all those containers wasn't. It probably won't be something easy for me either - getting rid of stuff wasn't easy. But I am happier for it. Change isn't always an overnight process, but something that we must make a conscious decision to do, to try, to sometimes flounder, but then remember our goal - get back on track, and keep going. Keep your eye on the prize!
Good for you! I need you to help my husband do a little of that. He keeps buy the tubs and filling them...never *unfilling* the previous ones. Sigh.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Evelyn!
Oops.... That should have been BUYING.... ;-)
Wow great job on the clutter reduction. That is eye opening isnt it?
Very impressive!!! Congrats!
Wonderful goal! You must feel great.
Wow excellent post. You inspire me to work at getting rid of stuff. I love schedules and structure so I hope you'll be sharing your journey and conclusions on that, too.
Some would say that I am in a rut and boring. But because some of the things I do are streamlined and repetitious it allows me to spend more time doing what I like to do: quilt and knit. Nice going on the de-cluttering.
You always expand to fit the space you're in, and it really does take a conscious effort to go through and cull things from time to time. Moving around a lot helps keeps things pared down! We're not moving anymore though, and I need to go through the boxes and tubs again. Your pile of empty tubs is very impressive, you did a great job!
Your pile of empty tubs is very impressive, you did a great job!
I have a small beddroon as "My Quilt studio" and boy is hard to "fit" congratulations. I will work on my closet this Friday nigth, see how much i can decluter.
Great job! We're in a smaller space and my new year's resolution is to fit into it without little piles [or big piles] sitting around!
Warm winter wishes!
doni @ Oregon coast
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