Although I am having a super fabulous time up in the mountains, I forgot to bring some type of hand project with me for nights. One day my DH was headed down the mountain to get some groceries so I asked him to please stop by a yarn shop and get me some yarn - oh, I spelled it all out - red and pink yarn - wool - for felting, the yardage, 11 dpn needles and circular needles too if they had them, etc., etc. DH being the good sport that he is ventured forth into the yarn shop and brought home this yarn... 7 balls of it, plus circular needles, but not the very needed dpn needles. And the wrong size needles too because that is what the shopkeeper sold him - because the yarn is sooo chunky! Hummm. OK folks - I know this is nice yarn and all, but altogether it cost 40 Euros. And, I want to make mittens for my son. And he wants red and pink mittens and if you know a 3 year old, there is just no substituting this varigated yarn for red and pink - he looked at it and asked - where's the pink?. So - this all went back to the yarn shop next trip down the mountain. In the meantime I went on-line to Joanne's and ordered some very nice wool (1 ball of red, 1 ball of pink), plus the 2 sets of needles (I only need dpn's, but it is a bit easier with the circular too so I got those as well) and it all came to less than 1/2 of what my DH paid (and remember he only got 1 pair of needles), including shipping! Joanne's has great wool for felting (Paton's Merino) and it is $3.99 a ball with a whopping 223 yards per ball! Lots of colors too - including some cool verigated ones.
The pattern I will use is for felted mittens from Carodan Farm Wool Shop in Stanardsville, VA. Judy was making felted clogs awhile back and posted the link - so I went and took a look and ended up getting a few patterns. Looks fast and easy - you knit on size 11 (8 mm) needles using 2 strands of yarn (hence the 1 ball pink, 1 ball red - per my 3.5 year old son's request!) - 120 yards of each color. Believe me, I will have lots of yarn left over so will probably use the extra to make a felted bag or something. FYI - I couldn't find size 11 dpn's anywhere on Joanne's site, so I settled on 10.5 which is just fine because I tend to knit loosely anyway.
The moral of the story here though - I will keep sending my DH to the store to pick up this or that, as needed because - he had no qualms at all about spending $40 for mittens! LOL! Oh yes, I do love that man!
Today's photos - my son giving his snow tractor a ride on the sled (his favorite snow toys are beach toys!). And - the little squirrel that visits our window every morning - he has gotten smart and now bites the string that holds the bird food and runs away with the entire loot!