I have been thinking alot lately about "Perfect Moments". My little 2.5 year old's mood can so suddenly swing from perfect to - well, not so perfect. Truly, I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect day, but Perfect Moments abound. As an example...
Here is a photo of me - trying to fish - on Cape Cod, Mass. A more perfect day could not be wished for. Almost the end of October and it was a perfect beach/boating/fishing day. Little Boy, my sister, brother-in-law, their little dog (a Shitzu) and I took the boat over to this beach and enjoyed the warm sands. Little Boy was excited about his "boat coat" (life jacket) and got to help drive the boat. We had lots of yummy food with us. AND, my sister taught me how to fish (ok, I caught lots of seaweed, but it was still fun).
However, as soon as we got back to our cars I managed to lock my keys in the trunk - plus my sister's purse and the diaper bag (read - her money, my money and diapers). Sigh. A BMW with high tech anti-theft features that not even AAA could by-pass. The next day the BMW dealership offered to get me another key - from Germany - which could take 2 weeks. Can you imagine? The very helpful girl thought maybe I should smash a window to get into the car and collect from the insurance company (most insurance companies won't pay for this type of claim - and the only way I would have even considered this route for 1 second was if Little Boy was locked in the car, which he wasn't, thankfully!) Fortunately, in the end, I remembered that I had a spare key locked in my RV (of course the RV keys were locked in the car). A locksmith opened the RV and shortly thereafter I was back in my car.
So, it wasn't a perfect day, by anymeans. As a matter of fact, the whole key thing took 2 entire days to figure out and was a bit stressful at times. Still I am so lucky that I had the help of my brother-in-law (who waited for AAA), my sister (who actually had spare diapers at her house AND lent me a car), and that I actually had a spare key in the RV (because I almost left that key in Canada).
No, not a perfect day but the day was still filled with lots of "Perfect Moments" and I think this picture of me fishing captures some of that magic.
This is just one "Perfect Moment" in my past year... there are so many... hugging my Dad after being away for a long time, spending a lazy day in my sister's fenced in yard, seeing 2 of my very best friends in the same year, a perfect moment at the beach (never mind how long it took to pack up to go to the beach), arriving at my destination after driving the RV by myself for 2 days with Little Boy as a co-pilot (never mind that I took a wrong turn and ended up on a dead-end street - that is another story), an unexpected package in the mail, the fog horn waking me up in the summer so I know it is foggy outside before I even open my eyes.... so very many "Perfect Moments"!
Here's wishing you a New Year filled with many "Perfect Moments"!