To keep you entertained, I asked DH to snap this picture of me wearing the scarf I knitted up over my Christmas holiday. I really like it! I usually wear it wrapped around my neck, but have it down so you can see the length. I used 2 different yarns - one that went from chunky to skinny and back again with various colors - and a 2nd one that is furry seagreenish/teal. Let's see... 10 stitches, all knit and the needle size was 8 mm European (but I do tend to knit very loosely, especially when I am working with 2 yarns and 1 of them being furry to boot). I used almost 2 balls of the chunky/skinny yarn for the desired length and 1 ball of the other (more yardage on that ball, which was 90 meters/98 yards long). The chunky/skinny yarn says HOME/Soffia on the label and the fuzzy yarn is Lulu by Four Seasons just in case anyone is curious - had to type that in before I throw out the yarn wrappers!

Happy 2006, Evelyn! Your scarf looks so soft and cozy -- I'm really enjoying all your recent photos! Is your Little Boy still feeling grumpy? Give him a hug from me :)
Cute scarf- so did you go out and buy yarn as you didn't pack any? Happy New Year!
oh, nice scarf! I am currently knitting as well as quilting-guess I could upload a few of those photos too :-) anyway-thanks for the info on the yarns...Cher
lovely scarf & I remember similar European shopping experiences as well as buying catsup & mayo at McDonalds.....
Wonderful scarf! My friend has made me scarves like that with the 2 threads, one being fuzzy. My latest one is green but was done with only one yarn that feels like chenille - it is wonderful!
Very great picture of you and your scarf!
Love the scarf and it looks warm and snuggly too!
Love the scarf. The colour looks great on you
Neat scarf! It sure looks soft and inviting! Your shopping sounds like a nightmare! YIKES!
Ooo...that scarf just cries out "TOUCH ME!" I'm sure it is wonderful and fun to wear where you are!
What a great scarf!! In earlier days I knot too. but I "forgot "it when I start quilting! Nice to see your pictures. SSO now I have you! in my mind when I read your blog :c)
Evelyn, I looked for an email link to write you but couldn't find one so I'll comment here.
I agree that knitting is so relaxing - meditative even. I've just about stopped any hand quilting or applique and use my time away from my quilt studio to knit or crochet.
Both my boys are too big (20 and 22)for baby afghans and I hope I don't have any grandchildren in the near future (I'm only 44 after all!)so for now they're all donated to charity.
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