One thing about my Little Boy - he loves trucks (and trains). So, when he saw this truck fabric, he had to have it. OK, fine - I bought a yard and have been wondering now for the past few months what to do with it. This isn't some piece of fabric I still want in my stash when he is 18 years old!
So, this past week my project was to pull together some co-ordinating fabrics and make a quilt top for Little Boy using this much fondled piece of truck fabric and decide upon a pattern. And guess what? I actually have fabric in my small winter stash that I think goes together pretty well! The background is a light green marble, the orange is a bright marble and those red stars are from Moda. Deciding upon a pattern - well sometimes, I think that my big hang-up is just picking a pattern and getting started!
I have a new Wonder Cut ruler. I paid $17 for it and it was still in the plastic wrapper. When I bought the ruler, I also got the book that goes with it. The cover quilt (Spinning Stars - 60X74 once you add the borders) looks like the perfect pattern to showcase the trucks. What isn't to love about this pattern? Most everyone I know likes stars. The center is a perfect spot to showcase a novelty or a large floral, red work, embroidery, what have you? Here is a close up of one of the stars... isn't it cute!

Now, the Wonder Cut ruler technique is new to me. I don't really like new techniques. I stew and sputter over the directions and mumble and grumble until I have it figured out. But, once I have it figured out - I suddenly LOVE my new technique. Now, I've got to ask you - what Momma of a 2 year old wouldn't love a pattern that you can put together - as much as you see in the layout photo - in about 5 hours? Honestly! It goes very fast... once you get used to the technique. I am cutting and sewing and dreaming of all the wonderful quilts I will make using this pattern (I have a BIG family and would love to manage to make everyone a quilt!). And Little Boy is as excited as can be about his new quilt. So everything is going along just great, right?
BUT - and this is a big but here, I go and buy the new McCall's Quick Quilts (March 2006) magazine. Yes, you can buy this magazine at the magazine store over here for 7.10 Euros. And true to his curious nature, Little Boy has to scrutinize anything new from cover to cover. And then he comes to the last page. AND THEN he sees his NEW DREAM QUILT. Anyone who has this magazine - go take a peek - of course it is a quilt with, not cars and trucks, but a tractors, dumptrucks, cement mixers, etc. novelty fabric. He wants that quilt. And gosh - look how much easier the pattern is (Spinning Stars is easy - it just has more pieces)! He doesn't want anything more to do with his new car/truck/star quilt. No thank you Momma (well, at least he is polite). Aaaggghhhh!!! So, if anyone has the back issue (Quick Quilts - March 2002) I would really, really appreciate it if we could swap for something, because very obviously, I need that pattern! And e-quilter.com has a similar fabric, phew!
And, hence the name of my post... Cars, Stars and Fickle Little Boys! He must have quilter's blood in him - how else do all us quilters end up with so many UFO's and WIP's? Don't we often jump around from pattern to pattern, from fabric to fabric? Oh well, maybe this car/truck Spinning Star quilt will become a gift for one of my many nephews!
Oh yes, and in case any of you are wondering why I post photo after photo of BLOCKS - I don't have my 15" square ruler here to square up the blocks and I don't want to set them until they are square. So, I am just chugging along making blocks and will have to square them up once I get back to the same continent as my ruler!
And - a photo of the cover of the book - Back to Basics The Wonder Cut Ruler Way by Alice Walter & Deb Hopkins. I highly recommend the ruler and the book - a great combo!
Great blocks! Sounds like you need to hide your quilt magazines from Little Boy! LOL!
lol at you son -- has the decision making skills of a woman :-) Maybe you could use the cars and trucks for the back of the other quilt and have two for the price of one??? (just in case he changes his mind again...) :-)
Beautiful quilt! Now I will have to check out the Wondercut ruler...sigh... I wonder if Joann's carries it. I still have some $$ left on a gift card I got from my kids.
That's a cute story, even if it gives you more work. Or you can always use that as an apology to buy more stash :-D
I guess he'll get two quilts! And the lesson to learn is .. keep him away from your quilt mags!: )
The quilt is really nice and sounds like it was quick to make!
Judy L.
Oh my Evelyn - your story just brought a huge smile to my face. I can just close my eyes and picture you and your son and this conversation. I really wish I had the magazine to help you but I don't. I know you'll find a good use for the truck blocks.
Evelyn- I have the March 2002 copy you are looking for- email me...let's see what we can do to make your train boy happy!
I like the idea of combining these quilts too-how sweet of you to go to the extra effort to make him happy! nice to hear how much you have enjoyed the new ruler...this may be one ruler I have resisted buying! will have to check the tool stash :-)
how delightful! They sure do keep us on our toes don't they? Good luck getting hold of the pattern!
I love the blocks! I have fickle little girls here too, but luckily they are easily diverted. My oldest has her I Spy quilt and I plan an alphabet sampler a la Tonya for the youngests 2nd birthday. They definitely keep you on your toes... I just find the amount of quilting you get done amazing!!
Oh dear! I have to agree with Judy...keep little boy away from your quilt mags! ;) But he'll love the truck quilt when you get it done!
Just when you think you know what your are doing everything changes :-)
If he were like my sons he'd want both quilts!
Just think how many quilts you'll get made once you get all those blocks home.
LOL- sounds like my house! Not to worry- that one will make an excellent gift, and it's always nice to have one stashed away for emergency baby gifts, etc. It's a lovely quilt!
I am lucky- my Train Boy loves trains, and as long as it has trains. he doesn't car about anything else. Princess Girl is more fickle, but generally, if I make her something, she gets so excited about getting a present that she claims to adore whatever it is.
Hooray for you on tackling a new technique- i also can be hesitant on those, so I totally understand!
Ya know - the fickle little boy quilt could be the backing for the new quilt.... (I have used less than successful tops as backs on more than 1 occasion...)
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