The thing with chain sewing is that you sew and sew and sew and really have nothing to show for all your work until you put the last seams in and all of a sudden you have an entire quilt top!
Viola! 32 of the 35 blocks I have done so far...(I had to leave a spot for Little Boy to keep him entertained while I took the photos - he is actually waiting to jump all over those blocks and stretch any bias edge!) I have 4 more blocks almost done, but somewhere along the way I lost the little fabric connecting strips - so have to recut those. I would have had 1 more block too, but in a moment of distraction I cut a triangle wrong, so there went that block. Oops! And yes, I see that the 3rd block down on the far right is sewn wrong! I am not sure that I will bother to fix it - this is what sewing with a 2.5 year old is all about! Do you see that there are 2 construction trucks in the photo - given a "block" of honor?
So, these blocks are 10.5" and I am now at a point that I have to start thinking about my setting options. These are a few of the ideas I am considering and thought I would bounce it off you guys - how do you come up with your setting/border ideas anyway?
First idea is to use light beige 2.5 setting strips with various dark squares for cornerstones - this would make a scrappy nine-patch effect. in conjunction with the little corner squares in the blocks. Then a dark 4" border and then a checkerboard border using 2.5 light and dark squares and then another plain border (checkerboard would have to be 5 rows across to get the effect?). I am thinking this is my first choice, but I still have the following ideas...
Second idea - same as above, but skip the checkerboard border and just use a skinny border and then a wider border. BUT, I really would like to jazz up my borders a bit, so feel that this a bit of an easy way out. But then again, the top would be finished and I can go back to playing with my octagon flowers!
Third idea - 2 quilts... One with the checkerboard border, the other with a flying geese border. Because I think a flying geese border might be cool, but I am not sure I want to make a huge flying geese border, hence the 2 quilt idea. It would be easy enough to sew together some more of these blocks to get enough for 2 smaller quilts. Then again, if I am going to sew more blocks - maybe I should just spend the time making the flying geese border for a big quilt???
And that is all I can think of - I am just zoning out on this one here. So, if any of you SEE something different, please let me know! Of course, by the time I keep adding all these sashing and borders the quilt might be too big, so I will have to make 2 quilts anyway! I will have to think about the MATH very soon. Yuck!
The quilt top itself - I am really liking! The colors are a little darker than I was thinking, but that is what internet shopping for fabric is all about. I wish I had just a touch of dark purple to add, but I don't so that is the way it is. And, I am not completely sure I am going to keep the lightest blocks - you can see one on the bottom, but it is super light because of the flash - it really isn't that light. The original 4 blue ones are my favorites, so I might make a few more of those to add into the mix. The lighter ones I can always use in another quilt...
This way of thinking is precisely why I usually end up with 2 quilts every time I set out to make one!
looks good! I see your helper is checking it out...:-) Cher
Honestly, I'd leave the "light" blocks in, just scatter them around the top so they're not all at the same place. And the mistake in piecing, fix it if it bothers you, leave it if it doesn't. Personally I'd probably leave it. As you said, a fine reminder of what it's like to quilt with a child around. Who btw, looks to be a great helper. :-)
And I like your first border idea. Although any of them would look good I think.
I think any setting will be great for those gorgeous blocks of yours! They are STUNNING!
Whatever you decide, the quilt will turn out great. A nice simple block that will turn into a gorgeous quilt.
Those blocks multiplied quickly. I am also trying to challenge myself to do some pieced borders so I'd go for the checkerboard and make one quilt rather than two.
I commented ahead of the text...I like to sew the top together once I know how I want the blocks set-then measure before deciding on border widths-I like the checkerboard idea! Cher
Well - I really like the first setting idea, but as I read I realized that you not unlike me have fallen into the "just make 2" quilts category. (It used more fabric to make two twin quilts that 1 queen & you can do both border options....)
Oh I love your little helper and his "equipment" (trucks) helping you! I miss those little boy days!
Wow, as for settings - I don't know, think I would have to think about it awhile!
I think if you sew the blocks together without sashings ,it is already a lovely quilt :c) Great job
You're able to do a heck of a lot more sewing than I was able to do with a 2 year old! The quilt is so pretty. Not sure what I would do with the border. Everything you're thinking about border and sashing seems like a good idea.
I love the construction trucks parked on the block!
Judy L.
I love the "wrong" block. It adds a interst and is well worth keeping... If you were to decide to replace it with a "right" block, at least keep it for a piece on the back!
How clever to make one block design into another. I like the idea of the sashes and cornerstones, and I think that would combine well with the checkerboard border.
looks great! whatever you decide, it'l be lovely when done.
as for sewing with a 2.5 year old, I can totally identify!!
You get more quilting done than I do without little ones! I like how the blocks look without sashings but I know whatever you decide will look great. Love the colors and fabrics.
I like the sashing and cornerstones with the plain border option...I love it when I get a "bonus" quilt (ie. 2 quilts) out of 1 project!
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