Grandmother's Choice Blocks
I turned my Birds in the Air blocks into Grandmother's Choice blocks by adding the cross in the middle. They finish up at 10.5". In only 3 mini-sessions of sewing I was able to finish 8 blocks - got to be every toddler's Momma's dream! I THINK I might even have enough of that light tan fabric to do an entire top, and if not, I will use something similar. I am going to make 4 more blue blocks and 4 more brown blocks and then when my fabric comes in the mail - probably add a green and maroon to the mix. I like the blue-ness of the blue - makes it pop a bit. So far, so good. As you can tell, I am really pleased with this pattern - fast, fun, accurate, looks even a bit complicated (but it's not... ssshhhh - that's my secret!)
Thank you !! What a great dierstions! . You make me that I want to try it !
I like the blue too....
Magic! They look so different set together like that. Makes me want to start another project!
The blue is wonderful. Hope your fabric joins you soon
They look great together!
WOW...that is awesome! I just LOVE it! That might be my "Hazed and Infused" pattern! Time will tell!
looking great! and yes, the blue looks wonderful, Cher
Very nice, Evelyn! This project has the wonderful blue, your scarf is tealy-blue, and your Broken Dishes has that soft blue -- is it a favorite color of yours?
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