As much as I love piecing quilts, I have some other very important sewing in my schedule. My son loves hand-made clothes!
Here he is in his newest pair of Seersucker pants, running in a relay race for Canada Day! I was especially pleased that I actually remembered to match up the plaid on these!*
Does any fabric say SUMMER more than Seersucker? Seersucker is very cool against the skin to wear and I just love that I made LB 2 pairs of pants using it - keeps that precious skin protected against the sun! He was a bit overdue for pants, but I misplaced my pattern, whaaa! And just TRY to get this boy into store bought pants - trust me it isn't happening! But Fabricland was having a 99 cent sale on patterns this month and we just so happened to have Fabricland on our list of shopping this month, so I picked up the pattern again. While I was at it - I also made him a pair of fleece pants too.
I've been using this pants pattern for him ever since he was 2 years old.... cordoroy, fleece, twills and now Seersucker. You know, sometimes I look through patterns and think that I will try a new pants pattern for him, but really, WHY? This pattern is easy for me to make and comfy for him to wear - and best of all - he likes every pair of pants I've ever made for him using this pattern. The only thing that he does not like are the low pockets so I've started to put them up higher for him. If I am using fleece, I usually will add a different color fleece scrap across the pocket for a fun trim. I also use a wider elastic than called for.
In addition to the replacement pattern, at Fabricland we bought fleece, buttons, thread, cordoroy and another cut of Seersucker (I had 1 cut set aside that I bought last fall when it was on sale). And some floral to make a bag for Elmo. I also got some stretch twill for a skirt for me and knit print for a top for me... they were having this crazy sale where you buy 1 meter and get 2 meters of the same fabric for free. So, I have 3 meters of each! Now, as much as I do like the fabric I can't imagine making 3 meters worth of clothing of each... so I have decided to make my skirt and top, maybe a simple jacket (if so - got to add lining fabric to my list) and then make pillows with some of it. Got to get zippers! No quilting fabric at all purchased in June.
June sewing was mostly for LB - 2 pairs of Seersucker pants, 1 pair of fleece pants, 2 pairs of flannel PJ's, fleece jacket, skirt for me, attach hanging sleeves onto 2 quilts for show, knit 1 pair of socks (LB's). No quilting! Still have to make up another pair of fleece pants, another fleece jacket, cordoroy pants and Elmo's bag. And he wants a fleece teddy bear too. But I am done with the "urgent" stuff!
The flannel PJ's were an absolute MUST. I can't tell you how many times I've made up this pattern for him - he usually gets 2 pairs at a time, but with him growing and growing so fast - I only made him 1 pair last time around and then the previous 2 pairs - his legs were sticking out. Fortunately, my sister had sent me 1 pair of hand-me-downs from her son (we both use the same pattern!) so that bought me a little bit of time, phew! It is never hot here so he sleeps in flannel PJ's year round. This time around he picked out orange flower buttons for the yellow pair and I used snaps that you hammer down for the blue pair. I'm not sure I will use the snaps again because I am not sure the fabric will hold up to repeated pulling... but it was fun to try them out. I really don't like handsewing at all - I've even figured out how to sew buttons on with my sewing machine!

About that fleece jacket... he likes it; I don't. Ah well. I thought that the sleeves are a bit too poofy for a boys cut. And SHORT. I really should have held the pattern up to him to make sure of the length, but I didn't. So, I don't expect that he will be in it for too long and I really wanted him to have it through the fall... which is why I am going to make him another one - longer this time around, taper the shoulder a bit and bring in that sleeve top a bit. Maybe I should just try a different pattern for a fleece jacket. I bought the fleece at Wal-Mart (instead of Fabricland) and I noticed that it is already starting to show signs of wear - grrr! Usually I buy very good quality fleece for LB, but he really, really loved this print so I caved in. Lesson learned - for my hard wearing little muchkin - only good fleece!
And - my skirt... I made this pattern last June out of duponi silk. This time around I used one of those slippery poly prints - I love it - never wrinkles! BUT - I was going to make a matching tank top and duh, cut the fabric wrong so now don't have enough fabric for that plan. Oh well, inexpensive goof as the fabric was only 99 cent a meter. Usually the thread/notions are more expensive than the fabric when I sew clothes for myself because I just love the 99 cent racks! I also cut out a pair of pants for myself, but have yet to sew them.
So, that was my June sewing. NOT sure exactly how I managed all of that because my work schedule has been busy, I had that rotten cold (which finally went away) and LB was so sick with his ear infection. But then again, sewing IS how I relax! And you have to understand - when I sew something for LB - well, he stands at my sewing machine to collect the pins as I sew... he is so anxious for his new clothes to be done. So - no procrastinating once I start!
Since we are now well into July - I have been working on a quilting project - 1 month away from quilting was enough!!! Here's a sneak peak - on my dark blue carpet so just imagine a lighter background, ok!