Simplicity 3678 - I made this dress in May and thought I would love it. But really, I think it looks like a maternity dress so it has been regulated as a bathing suit cover-up for running into the store on my way home from the beach.
My son took this photo of me yesterday on our beach walk. I am wearing Simplicity 2927, my surprise favorite summer dress. 
I didn't really like this dress when I made it, and I will be the first to admit - it is a bit goofy with those pockets and all. But on a hot day - this is the very first thing I reach for. It is so cool and comfy, uncomplicated, never has to be ironed and being a thick poly - you don't need a slip. I mean, what isn't to love. And my son just loves it that this dress has pockets for sea treasures such as crab legs and sea glass and the such.
Here's a photo of my son with 2 handfulls of bones he picked up on the beach. These bones were far to precious to trust Momma with, so my pockets were spared, LOL.

Me, with real shoes on... a sight not often seen. With the heat, my feet and fingers are all swollen and I could barely squeeze my feet into these shoe for this "dress photo". My wedding rings I have moved to a necklace so they don't have to be cut off my fingers later and also so I don't lose them. I almost always wear sneakers no matter what I am wearing but will wear Reef sandals on the beach. I will always sacrifice fashion in favor of comfort!
I'm telling you - the A-frame dress with big pockets is going to become my new Momma uniform! Really! Those 1950's housewives really did know what they were doing and had the house dress perfected down to a fine science. Let me tell you - t-shirts are hot in the heat. Give me a dress any hot day! I just have to get around to making some more.
Did I mention that we don't have a/c? And yeah, I live in Canada and yeah, we were wearing fleece jackets 2 weeks ago, but it is hot now. And I do know what hot is because I went to high school in Florida. And believe it or not - my high school did NOT have a/c. It stunk really badly in Biology lab let me tell you - the formaldehyde mixed with high humidity heat. Ewww. But that is all in the past - they have abandoned the highschool and built a new super deluxe one.
Quilt progress - rows all sewn together with those dark purple pieces. Currently measures 49.5" X 57.5" - next step is borders.

Sweater Progress (for my son) - front, back and 1 sleeve completely done! I have cast on the 2nd sleeve and have maybe the 1st 10 rows done!