My favorite photo for the month of May: "Dandelion for YOU, Momma!"
Little Boy absolutely DELIGHTS in picking flowers for me - each one a treasure - and I have a little bud vase on the counter full of his offerings. When they die, I have to be very careful to dispose of them when he isn't looking or his feelings are deeply hurt. Even the stems and dead buds are precious in his opinion!

This photo is from a walk to a rocky cove to throw stones on a gray, stormy day. It was a fairly cold and rainy month mixed in with some sunny days too. I don't have any puddle stomping photos because the camera battery was dead and it took me a few days to find the charger! Our big play purchase for May was a pair of rubber boots for Little Boy which he immediately tested out by SITTING in a huge, muddy puddle. "Nope, they don't work, Momma!" he gleefully shouted. Gee, really?! I wonder why??? So, our first day out with the boots didn't go exactly as planned, but once we got over the sitting in puddles bit, the boots actually do work just fine and have seen some good use this month.

And, here he is oh so carefully doing the honors (with a little help) with my birthday cake! This is a Swedish strawberry layer cake with berries and home-made vanilla sauce in between the layers and a cream cheese frosting - I hardly ever make it because it is time consuming, but oh so yummy!!

And here he is having a fun time on the slide at a playground we like to go to. Are we the only 2 people left wearing a hat and mittens in May? The good news is that last week the weather finally started to warm up a bit and we switched over to sun hats. To give you an idea - just this week the lilacs started to bloom! A cold spring.
All in all, we have had a really good month. Oh sure, we have had our share of daily grind - Toddler temper tantrums (after all, it is so frusting being a Little Guy sometimes), some major diet changes, the fact that showers are something like a distant memory these days and my sheer exhaustion by 8:30 pm, just to name a few... but there are many, many delightful little moments in our days too. This is such a fun time - you can almost see the little gears whirling away in Little Boy's head as he learns about and discovers his world. I can honestly say that I am very happy and I think that happiness is reflected in my darling Little Boy's face!
And - on the sewing front... as predicted, not too much sewing going on, but I did get some things done. Getting anything done sewing wise these days is difficult (goes with that 8:30 exhaustion bit), so I am fairly pleased with my following list:
1. Finished my Blue Scrappy Quilt! Ready for long-arm quilter!
2. Put final borders on Mitre Boxes! Ready for long-arm quilter!
3. Serged rags - ugh.
4. Put 1 border on a heart swap top - still need to buy fabric for final border
5. Forced myself to make 2 star blocks for another UFO - making progress!
6. Made some friendship wonky house blocks
7. I am picking away on my 2 Ocean Waves tops
8. Got the heart quilt out in the mail to my Nana's cousin - all labeled!
9. I didn't start anything new...
So - onward into June!!!