Is it just me or is my Little Boy getting big? Anyway - this is a photo of our play purchase for the month of June - a BIG purple ball! He just loves it!
What happenened to June? Oh right - it got washed away in all the rain we have been having. Speaking of rain, guess what? I found out that my car is leaking - big time! You see, a HUGE tree fell on my this winter and totally squished it flat -except the insurance co. did not total the car. Oh no. So more than $7,000 later in repairs we are now up to the leaking and the inside of my car is now a swamp. Sigh. Well, I am hoping it just needs a new seal and that a seam is not leaking...
My flowers are starting to bloom...
I showed Little Boy how to pick strawberries that are in a flower border...
We've learned about the North and South winds, Fiddler crabs, Hermit crabs, barometers, tide clocks and I don't know what else - Little Boy is like a sponge and soaks it all up!
We have found TONS of seaglass on our beach walks this month...
And lots of other various and assorted stuff to make the month just fly bye! Oh yeah, and add the fact that Litte Boy and I drove over 2500 miles together on our various journeys. Oh yeah - that is where the month of June went to - a good 12- 13 days in the car!!! Right - that would be the very same car that is leaking...
And on the sewing front...
1. Continued working on my green Ocean Waves
2. Put final borders on my Heart swap top! Ready to be quilted!
3. Cut out 2 scrap quilts and packaged them up - ready for sewing this winter in Austria
4. Worked some on my checkerboard borders for a log cabin
5. Continuing to pick away on making blocks for a Country Wife project I started last summer
6. Finally cut the setting triangles for the Octagon Flowers I made in January
7. Cut the binding for another log cabin (ok, it is a start on the binding process, so has to count for something!)
8. Did not start any new quilt projects (other than cutting kits for the winter).
So- onward into July!