I have misplaced my camera - so nothing new to show for now. But, I am busy working away and doing lots of stuff. On the sewing front - since Monday, I made Little Boy another pair of PJ pants from this pattern (I only had 1 yard of flannel with race cars on it so no shirt - and of course, now he wants a shirt... hummm... will have to see what I can do about that!). That makes 2 complete pairs and 1 pair of pants from this pattern so far. AND, then I went ahead and made him the robe out of very soft fleece! If I had followed the pattern it would drag around on the floor behind him, so I shortened it a bit. And skipped the pockets. And added belt loops. And made it a bit narrower. And made the arms a bit longer. LOL! That is the thing about making clothes - you usually have to make 100 changes to the pattern. And - he loves, loves, loves it even if it is still a tiny bit incomplete right now! He picked the fleece out himself which is a mottled light blue with white butterflys on it - so sweet! My little fleece boy! Plus I made my girlfriend a pair of pants - will have to post a photo of the pattern after I find the camera. No quilting - I am just enjoying zipping some stuff through my serger! You know - making a quilt takes a LONG time - sometimes it feels good just to do something zippy! Despite all the pattern changes, I really enjoy making clothes.