(Stars on my carpet)

You all know, I love scrappy! This winter I pretty much emptied my blue/pink/purple selection of scraps making my Purple Strings quilt. 

After playing around with a few different options, my favorite is Scrappy String Autumn Stars, not to be confused with another on-going project HST Autumn Stars! I will be working on these here and there. Yes - there is a slight off-set seam, but it is very easy to manage. I made a sample non-scrappy block just to test out my skills and make sure I could do it. Yes i
ndeedy, I can. Might not be perfect, perfect, but it is perfect enough for MY standards! And I can only hope that I will get better at that seam as I go along, right?

I like to make a test block before cutting an entire quilt because sometimes - well... things don't always work out the way I expect them too, as this should-be 8 pointed star photo shows!
The foundations are cut of newspaper and I sew my scraps over them and then trim. The Easy Six ruler makes cutting a snap!
And behind the scenes - I am plugging away on my String Tulips. And working, working, working - 15 and 12 hour days all week, but tomorrow is my day off and Little Boy and I might just head out to a public garden! We went last summer and it was beautiful and we had a great time. It would be fun to see the Spring flowers! Fingers crossed that it works out that we can go because I could really use a nice, relaxing break! And he could use some extra special fun Momma time!
P.S. - Elaine asked what happened to that star - well, I read the directions incorrectly and cut the initial strips the wrong width. Thankfully it was only 1 sample star and not an entire quilt that I had cut out, then sewn together - because 1 star is a fair amount of sewing!