Here are some photos of my summer quilt - about a double size. It is ONE of my very first quilts (the 3rd one, actually), so please be kind! I have the old Quilt magazine (my very first quilting magazine ever) from which the pattern came from around somewhere and once I lay my hand on that to get the year I am going to make a label for the back of this baby.
First off, I had to go BUY the scraps for the quilt because, I didn't have any. My Mom had sent me an inexpensive sewing machine and that was my motivation to start this quilt. I traced the pattern and then glued the pieces onto the back of notebook cardboard to create my templates. And, I trimmed most of my 6.5" blocks down to 6" because I didn't know any better and the direction said the blocks should be 6". So - I have nice points on the inside squares, chopped off points on the outsides! Along the way I got bored with making the square in a square blocks and made those green hearts - hand appliqued mind you! You might notice that the border fabric was just a tad too short, which I "fixed" with scraps of pink in the corners. Ahhh, but I truly loved this humble little quilt. So much so, in fact, that I spent a whopping about $100 to have it "professionally" machine quilted. And - you can see what I got back - complete with pencil marks and that nylon see-through thread that looks like fishing line. Can you see that the diagonal stitching goes right into the border? Agh! So it sat in a box (for about 15-16 years) and through several moves before I finally hauled it out, put the binding on and started to use it (last summer to be exact, so it has moved from California, to Cape Cod to Canada...).
It has a fluffy poly batting which is light weight and fairly cool, so that is why it is my summer quilt. This funny little quilt gives me a great sense of satisfaction to see how far my quilting skills and knowledge have come! Did I mention that I copied the original color scheme fairly exactly (except the green hearts!). And - thankfully - my machine quilters have improved along the way too! Very big grin! Despite everything it has going against it, it is done and well loved!
And, I will just let August slide right by with this post. It was what it was - for better or worse, we are moving right along into September now!
But - before I sign off - thank you, thank you, thank you for all your kind comments about my checkerboard borders on my log cabin. I will keep working away on my projects and hope to have some finishes in September, borders and all!