Ta-Da! Desperado blocks. The fabrics are hard to get a detailed photo of, but this will give you an idea.
Do you ever start a quilt pattern, and even though it is fairly simple, just struggle through the entire thing? Well, that was this pattern for me. I don't know why - maybe it was the mono-chromatic color scheme, the fact that I had to refer to the directions for every cut, I had to keep a sample block (in 4 segments) on the ironing board to refer to when pressing to get the seams to butt against each other, or maybe - it is just that Spring is around the corner and I want to wrap up my winter quilting projects. Whatever the case, my mind definately wasn't "into" this quilt. Yes, I made a block with a mistake - it is on the bottom right - 2nd block up from the bottom. DH asked if I was going to rip it apart and I said "No, it is a reminder to me that I am quilting with a 2.5 year old underfoot!".
All that being said - I am still pleased with the top so far. It looks about what I envisioned when I started - it just needs a skinny inner border and then a wider outer border (the outer border will be more of the dark green). Each block measures 9X11. The finished quilt is supposed to be 56 1/2" X 66 1/2", but I made an extra row, so add another 9" to the finished length. Despite my mind block, it did take only 2 weeks to piece up to this point, so that isn't too bad. And some day, I might even try this pattern again - I think it would look stunning with a bunch of bright hand-dyed fabrics.
The next 2 photos - a close up of one of the blocks - and the magazine cover where I got the pattern from (McCall's Quick Quilts - May 2005).

I have a similar UFO (same results different method) and have avoided it becasue I am not ready to do a "think about" project.
I love your dark green background...
I spy a truck in the photo! Little Boy must be helping you again! :)
what a nice quilt--don't you just hate those days when you just can't seem to get it right? I do love your "humble" block! :)You never know, tomorrow you might wake up all inspired!
My mom and I just did a Delectable Mountain quilt with the same method and I have a quilt called Magic Lanterns that also uses this technique that I want to make.
Your version looks good - I like the green background.
Well done. I like the bold colors and the contrast. I'll be anxious to see this with the borders.
good for you to stick with this top...and I think it came out well.
Don't you wonder sometimes why someone thought something was a "quick quilt"? The blocks look great - and every quilt needs at least one humble block. Love the colors!
Yup this is a great graphic quilt/pattern! It is wonderful - and I love your little memory of making it with a 2 yr old underfoot!
i like the oops block! i many artistic traditions, 1 mistake is included deliberatley to acknowledge humans are not perfect, to pay tribute togod, etc. The whole quilt is lovely!
Turned out great for having a 2 1/2 yr old under foot :-) Love the darlings, but they do reck havock on quilting time...
I love it too. Evelyn. I'd leave the oops block and add a mention the reason for it on the label. It will make it an interesting quilt for future generations.
Evelyn, the quilt is very pretty. Not sure why we struggle but I do the same thing. In fact, the top I'm working on now . . I should have finished it mid-week and I still don't even have the blogs all made.
Judy L.
Keep at it -- it's a beautiful quilt.
You are right about no batting on the jeans quilt - boy it got heavy quick with those outer layers. I was debating using a thin batt until that final layer. I'll use a flannel back and I think I'll just meander it - the longarm should handle it OK. Thanks for posting.
Evelyn...that is GREAT! I love the blocks!!! And that truck is a special touch! ;o)
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