Saturday, January 31, 2009
Happy Jacks Progress
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Simple Squares

Here is another of my blue quilts made with squares (16 patch with zig zag setting). Don't let the simplicity of a design fool you... quilting adds a whole 'nother dimension! Gosh, just think about the 100's and 1000's of 9 patch quilts made - all made with just simple squares, but still a favorite pattern of quilters for years.

I've made other quilts using just squares too. I like them all!

Just to keep myself on track here.... This weeks current quilt projects progress (no, I am NOT cutting out this quilt right now - I have a few things to finish up first!!!): 1. I made 4 more Happy Jacks blocks. 2. I cut out another 5 Happy Jacks blocks but haven't had a chance to sew them yet. 3. I turned the 3 crazy patch squares into stars and got them attached to the bottom of the Crazy Patch Stars top that I wanted to "grow". 4. I've been pulling the newspaper foundations off the back of the strippy border blocks for Crazy Patch Stars and have sewn some of them together. The border doesn't fit/line-up the way I thought it would, so maybe this week I will get a chance to play around with that.
Monday, January 26, 2009
A Quilt's Story

Was it really that long ago that "we" made this quilt? I knew he was growing up fast, but gosh, he really IS growing up fast! Just think - if he ever becomes a famous quilter - he will have these photos to document how early he got started at quilting... which is good because no-one would believe that he was pinning borders on when he was 3 if there wasn't a photo, right? And yup, he did that border all by himself - there is a piece of cardboard under the fabric so the pins don't go through the carpet in case you are wondering.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Log Cabin Quilts - a favorite!

Growing up, this is the quilt that was on my bed. Ah-ha! A log cabin, but with bigger red squares. This quilt was made by either my Nana or Great-Aunt long before I was ever even born. I found it in a trunk somewhere and hauled it out and put it on my bed - which was a 3/4 bed . It is actually just a summer throw - there is no batting in there, but each log is quilted to the background. I've always liked it. And it has been my inspiration for sewing scrappy quilts using traditional patterns.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bits & Pieces
First up - our group quilt is coming along nicely! My contribution this week were 8 long legged triangle blocks. Sometimes it seems like you are working on boring little pieces, but once things start coming together - you say wow! Take a look at the close-up of the lighthouse center that 2 very talented members have been working on/creating as they go!!! That lighthouse is a piece of paper right now - just to give us an idea. When it comes to quilting - I just don't have this kind of vision so I am very happy to work on the traditional blocks! I think the combination of traditional/modern is very stunning here!
For quilt group I like to pack my little pencil case - I think I got it at Staple's. It is perfect for small sewing supplies and rotary cutter. Next time I go to Michael's I am going to get some letter beads and make myself some little name tags. I like to keep my sharp pointed scissors and rotary cutter in the case so they don't accidentally cut something in my sewing tote. I have my own quilting needles - I like those EZ gold eyes... and my thimbles I've had forever. I really recommend a little case like this for the small sewing supplies that tend to get lost in bigger bags/totes. Oh, and that white thing is my spool holder on my machine - it always falls off when I move my machine and I don't want to lose it - so I just pop it in this little case.
My own sewing projects were few this week, but slow progress is steady progress anyway. I made 3 crazy patch blocks which I need to lengthen my Crazy Patch Stars quilt. The center of the top is done and seems a bit short, so another row is in the works - just waiting on these 3 blocks to turn into stars. I also made 3 more blocks to add to my collection of Happy Jacks blocks I've been working on. I've had some help in finding the name of these blocks... Mary calls them Double X and others have said Jacks over 9. Bonnie & Tonya were having a Fungly challenge and this block was used for that too. I like the name Happy Jacks, so will go with that. In anycase, I got 3 more blocks made so that brings me up to 24 blocks total at 9" each.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Winter Wonderland?
One night I was cutting buttons off a very OLD shirt of DH's. School Boy wanted to know what I was going to make with those buttons, so I made this owl for him. It was from a pattern I found on a Japanese craft site on the internet - and I enlarged it 200% (the original was tiny!). I had to add feet, wings and a tail to get it to SB's liking! The eye background is made out of fleece - I traced a nickle to create the pattern. The owl is still on the small side - just about the size of my palm. He is made with left over corduroy and fleece from making SB's pants.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Quilt Blocks
Friday, January 16, 2009
A group quilt
I am rather liking triangles these days and have sewn all these HST's together since last week.
On my living room floor - Lego cities are springing up. Here is SB's lighthouse/docking station/helicopter launch pad.
Sewing and Lego's - a perfect combination for cold weather.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Scrap quilt finished!
Although not my favorite, and a funky size to boot - it is nice to have these blocks all sashed together, bordered and ready to be quilted. Of course, once it is quilted I probably will love it - that always happens. In anycase - School Boy certainly loves, loves, loves it - which means I will probably buy either fleece or flannel for the backing - he likes snuggly and soft fabrics! And he has already demonstrated to me - by crawling under it during construction process - that it truly is the perfect size for him!
When I have used fleece for backings in the past, I have not used a batting. Fleece usually comes in 60" width so if you get it on sale it is a good bargain for kids quilts backings. I always pay extra for the anti-pill fleece, it is well worth it because it holds up to repeated washings!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Organizing stuff
All through the year I've been slowly emptying containers. Goodwill, passed on, handed down, some to the dump - all gone. As I emptied a container - I would fit a smaller one into a larger empty one. And put it back from where it came from. This past week I was curious as to exactly how many empty containers I had so after the Christmas tree was put away - I stacked all the empties in the corner. Ta-Da! That is all "stuff" I won't have to organize anymore!
I still have 3 totes of photos - this coming year I hope to do something about that - whether I weed out the excess or scan the favorites, or buy some digital photo frames - I would like to get those 3 totes down to 1. And I have 3-4 totes of random stuff- those odds and ends (like my high school diploma, old coin collection, costume jewelery, childhood dolls, etc.) I never can seem to bear to part with. This coming year I would like to get those totes down to just 1.
For the New Year - I am still thinking about what my "goals" will be. I am thinking along the lines of schedules and structure... things that most people don't really like, but in the long run really make your life so much easier. I'll mull it over for another week or so before I come up with a game plan. Whatever I decide - it won't be an overnight process - just like my slow and steady progress in emptying all those containers wasn't. It probably won't be something easy for me either - getting rid of stuff wasn't easy. But I am happier for it. Change isn't always an overnight process, but something that we must make a conscious decision to do, to try, to sometimes flounder, but then remember our goal - get back on track, and keep going. Keep your eye on the prize!