Simplicity 3678
Spring rains bring... summer dresses. At least around here they do!
The weather here has been cold and damp with rain, rain and then some more rain. If it isn't raining, the sky is gray. For days now. Yuck. The good news is that the grass is getting ever greener, the leaves are coming out on the trees, the daffodils and tulips are up, the song birds have arrived in force (hundreds of gold finch, red finch, a blue finch!, humming birds, Baltimore Oriole- to name a few. Surely warm weather is right around the corner. And in my spare time I've been working on a new summer dress for myself.
Here is the line drawing. I am making View A.
Out of this:

The fabric is a really slippery knit - sort-ov like a swimsuit material, but it is so soft and cool to the touch - I just love it... even if it does need lots of pins and basting for good measure. You can drop it into a slippery pool on the floor, pick it up and it still has not a wrinkle. My kind of fabric - who has time to iron clothing? Great fabric for a trip... and paired with a cute jacket and boots this dress can do double duty right into fall very nicely.
The pattern is very easy! I basted the side seams and tried it on today - it seemed perfect so I sewed those seams. The sleeves are self faced - I already have them basted on - hopefully tomorrow I will get that step done. Then - only the hem is left! Easy does not mean fast though - I am not one of those people who can whip out a dress in a day. I cut the pattern 1 night, then cut out the fabric another night and slowly have been working on 1-2 steps at a time. The front was a bit fiddly with the slippery fabric, but I did it! It is taking all my will power to stick with this project until finished, but I am almost there. Next time around I will try View D which has an easier front and looks so classy... out of something a bit less slippery!
For a long time I hesitated about sewing knits because I don't have a coverstitch machine for the topstitching and hems (but I do have a serger). Well guess what? A $6 double needle for jersey does a great job! The top stitching is double so looks neat and the bottom is just your 1 bobbin thread and it does a bit of a zig zag between the top 2 threads - so you have your needed stretch. I'm not saying that I don't want a coverstitch machine, but at least I don't "NEED" one!