Little Boy and I walked to the magazine shop today. Ah yes, typical Europe - a seperate store for each item on your shopping list! In anycase, my intent was to see if there were any new quilt magazines on display... and indeed, there were! Yippee! I eagerly flipped through several - and put them all back. An American quilting magazine costs 11 EUROS here, so I often think 2X before purchasing one. And, on the way in, I had caught sight of the new Puuh (or Pooh) magazine, which just happens to be Little Boy's favorite magazine! And this Momma can even read enough elementary German now to sit down and read/invent the stories for him! An added bonus - this magazine always comes with some sort of toy (last issue it was a clock and there was a page about telling time), AND it only costs just under 3.50 euros (can't remember the exact change amount off the top of my head). There are always a few stories, a few learning games (like shapes, matching colors, etc.), a craft project, a cooking project, photos of wild life, etc. So - here it is, my new quilting magazine. Although, at this point in time, after listening to Little Boy happily toot away on that flute, a quilting magazine would have been the more peaceful option! Don't worry - he is safely sitting on the couch - I don't want him running with that thing in his mouth!
I could have just as easily bought myself a magazine and the Puuh one too, so what stopped me? It all goes back to that shopping list I posted - it includes lots of fabrics for works in progress (mostly borders) and some fabrics to get me started on some other quilts I want to make- and I didn't quite include everything in that list. There are already so many quilts that I want to make... so why would I want to buy another quilting magazine full of new, tempting patterns??? No thank you, for now, I will stick with my lists and try to stay on track!
So, I came home and wrote out a list of the Top 25 Quilts I want to make (including some UFO's). Of course, the list is subject to change, but these are the patterns I want to make for now - and you might recognize some of them from the shopping list of fabrics I need! Hey, it really works - keeping lists do keep you organized.
New quilts that I already have the patterns for:
Scrappy Squares, Economy Patch and Triangle Manic (all on finn's blog)
2 more bars quilts (crossed tracks or railroad). I am making great progress on my current one and want to make one in blues/yellows and another in sage greens/mauves
Another Shakespeare in the Park (I have already made a blue/cream version, plus a purple/whites version). This pattern looks complicated, but goes together like a dream! I just have to decide on a color!
A scrappy Robert Calahan pattern - it is a bit like a scrappy chain -can't remember the name of the pattern, but I have it in Canada
A scrappy 16 patch or 25 patch or 36 patch - we will see when I start putting it together
Another Broken Dishes quilt - I did one this winter and really enjoyed the technique
2 more Stars quilts using my WonderCut ruler (I made the Cars & Stars this winter with this pattern and want to try it out using different fabrics)
Barrister's Blocks quilt in pastels
Bear's Paw
(that is 13 NEW projects that I already have the patterns for and even some of the fabrics - depending on the pattern)
UFO's I would like to work on/finish (NOT my WIP's which I have been working on over this winter)
2 Ocean Waves quilts
1 pinwheel quilt
2 whirly gig quilts
string tulips
HST stars
Tropical shells table runner
little dresden sunflowers
(that is 11 more!)
And I still want to make that Fiesta Wear pattern from American Jane patterns (have to get the pattern). Plus, a Buggy Barn book is on my original shopping list - so add at least 1 more quilt from whatever is in the book I buy (so that is 2 more).
Altogether: The Top 25 Quilts I Want To Make!!! (well, actually 26 if you count the 1 unknown from the Buggy Barn book!) I think I can live without a new quilt magazine for awhile.
What is on your Top 25 list? Go ahead - post it on your blog! I had fun thinking about my Top 25 and hopefully this list in conjunction with my shopping list will help keep me on track. And yeah, my list was longer than 25, but these are the ones on the top... for now!!!

Glad to Hear Shakespears in the Park goes together easily. This is a PIG of mine. I have a piece of Ricky Timms commercially purchased fabric that looks like a hand dyed and a light that also looks kind of hand dyed - a two fabric quilt - unheard of for me!
I may have to do the 25 list soon - I really want to do a weekly goals list, that seems manageable to me. (Even if a goal is "cut the background")
I have made a list of some of my UFOs and have found that I've finished quilts not on the list but haven't tackled those on the list yet. Lists usually work for me too but at the moment I'm concentrating on everything else LOL. Great list of UFOs though and I'll have to think about mine.
Great job on the resisting of temptation Evelyn!! I'm proud of you...and you are completly right. Those new magazine just lead to UFO's or in Amy's case PIGS...LOL
So sweet that your little guy got his magazine tho. Nothing like bringing happiness to a child..makes my heart sing..*VBS*
And a great job on making a list..I'll have to think about that. I rarely ever plan to make a quilt. Usually I get asked by DD or someone, or a fabric leads me to make a new one, or the scrappy ideas at Bonnie's hooks me. I'll give a list a try..just for you..*S* Can't wait til you can SHOP...how much longer???
Loved the story about Little Boy! And 25 quilts...I just can't go there! lol...ambitious list you have going though!
My top 25? Oh that is hard. I will think a while and post somethingtoo on my blog. Thanks for sharing!
another thoughtful post Evelyn. I love how much fun the Pooh magazine is for your little boy-and you are right about not buying new magazines-it often leads us astray with a new quilt to make. I too will have to think about my top 25 list.
You are ambitious!! I used to never go to quilt shows because I wanted to make them so bad, but didn't have the know how and so would just get frustrated! I'll see if I can come up with a top 25 on my blog.
brave mom, buying that flute :-) my erasr ache in sympathy!
What a fun list. I have my "want to start" short list in the sidebar of my blog, but it's not comprehensive. Right now, I just want to work on my sad UFOs.
What a great challenge! I'm going to muddle on this and see if I can pick 25 :)
Did you and Little Boy have a nice time reading and tootling?
Boy! I need a nap after reading your post! Sounds like you've got some great projects in your line up. And good for you for resisting the temptation to buy another magazine. I've found that I can cure my "fix" by standing in the magazine isle of the market and just thumb through the magazines. Not too many of the patterns really appeal to me. I'm happy to make quilts using traditional blocks!
I"m sure you've read my posts that Pooh is still the favorite in my household of 4 teens! Can you believe that. Every now and then I find my husband and teens watch a Pooh movie in the vcr!
Oh I don't even want to start thinking about a top 25 list - I'll get too depressed!
I think it's a great quilt magazine! :) You made the right decision, for Little Boy and you too. Looking at more quilts just makes you want to do more and when you have a long list anyway...well, it's just better not to look! :)
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