Coloring speed limit
Little Boy loves to color. Very fast. Very intently. All over the place. He proudly puts his work on the fridge. We tell him all the time he is a great artist and what a good job he does. And he says... "Thank you, thank you. Yes, I know!" I make extra sure he gets lots of praise because sometimes at pre-school they try to get him to color in the lines and that makes him sad and then he brings home an incomplete paper, is frustrated and doesn't want to finish it. I know the feeling - I did nothing but struggle with D's in Art. Ugh. I've told the teachers - let him color how he wants - when it clicks, it will click. Why take the "thrill" away at such a young age? After all, he is a June baby and the kids who were born... say in December... are a full 6 months older than him. And 6 months is a BIG age difference in this age group. I also keep in mind that he is a very busy boy and also that his mind is usually going 100 miles per minute. Learning to slow down a bit will take practice, and we practice that at home, without the distraction of 23 other kids. Well, yesterday - it clicked for him!*This week I had to go to the hardware store for some new files for my office and while there - we picked out a new pink highlighter for him. He has been having the b-e-s-t time with the new highlighter - definitely worth the 79 cent investment.He started out, fast and intent as usual. But the highlighter went a bit dry on that super absorbent coloring book paper. I told him - put the cover on and give the highlighter a rest and then try again - slower though so it doesn't dry out. And gently. He did. And he discovered something VERY exciting for a 4 year old...*In his little high pitched voice - "Momma, I can color inside the lines if I give my hands a speed limit! " *Yes indeed, look at what a difference a "speed limit" makes! Click. I am thinking that this coming week, when he brings home a letter worksheet, he might have even traced the letters out. Oh how fast they grow up!
LOL That is too cute!!! What a guy!
Stay warm, Evelyn!
A dear story. Kids are so incredibly artistic ... until they get to school and HAVE to do things a certain way ... sigh
A speed limit is a great lesson to learn. I need to practice it more on my quilts!
How cute! A speed limit for the hands .. that's funny. Won't his teacher be surprised. They do rush children to learn too much too quickly and too much of the fun of being a child has been taken away.
Oh what a sweet story! And how cute he thinks of it as a speed limit for his hands!
what a charming story...and how exciting for him to make that discovery!
Isn't he cute! But make sure you save one of the old 'too fast' sheets, just to remind you later.
Yes he is growing up. Speed limit for my hand how cute is that.
Isn't that amazing? My nephew did the same thing. Within two months the difference in his art was dramatic!
Thanks for sharing this!:)
God Bless you!
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