See my heart blocks? ALL from fabric that Susan sent to me (except the background). How special is that? I didn't even have to go to the store, look, decide - nope - there it was, all in a box for me - ready to use.
Here is a close up of some of the batiks in the blocks. If I had just put this fabric on my shelf - it would be special. But - it is even more special that it is being made into blocks. And it will be still even more special once it is a finished quilt. To m
e. And look how perfectly all those fabrics go together! I just love all the different color variations - I would have never picked them on my own, but altogether - they work!
If you were to die tomorrow - do you think that your family would cherish your fabric stash, your stack of UFO's or your finished quilts? Or do you definately think that they would most value your huge stack of magazines? LOL! Can you guess what they would donate, yardsale, throw out (gasp) or keep. Bet you they would keep the finished quilts. Everything else is questionable.
I don't know why I think like this, honestly I don't. But - it does motivate me to finish my quilts. "Finish" them all the way to the binding. The label part - well I really, really have to work on that aspect. I can't handquilt myself - I have carpal tunnel and quilting bothers it. And most my quilts are rather large so would be difficult to push through my sewing machine. So instead of spending money on more fabric for my shelf, I save it up for long arm quilting services (currently I have 3 out right now). And my quilts get finished. They get put on my beds. They get snuggled under. Some get given away. Some that are not my favorites when they are tops become a favorite once quilted. And the flannel backed quilts - oh so snuggly!!!
I will be the first to admit - some of my quilts take FAR longer than others to finish, but eventually, they all do get finished and really, I don't have a huge amount of UFO's. And when I am tired and really feel like I haven't accomplished much for the day it is great to walk into my room and see my quilts. My finished quilts. Because maybe if I didn't get everything done that day that I wanted to - my quilts are proof positive that I do get things done, if not today - then eventually. Unlike housework which has to be done over and over and over again - once a quilt is made, done, finished - it stays that way!!!
*What have I done, sewing wise this week? I've continued to work on my batik hearts and have lots of those blocks done. Also, there are 6 more Wondercut Ruler stars added to my collection - I had enough fabric to make more, so I figured why stop at 12 - and now I have 18 blocks. Settings always seem to slow me down, but here are photos of 3 options - only 1 uses all 18 blocks so that is probably what I will go with. This project is now up to the "need to buy background fabric" stage. On my current knitting project - I've knit 1 skein of yarn. Oh - and I've spent equal amounts of time cleaning as sewing. Yup. If there is sewing going on, you can just bet that my house is all sparkly clean too. Maybe it is my subconcious way of pitting things that stay done against things that don't.
*Otherwise? I've been busy! You all know that I don't blog much about w-o-r-k, but believe me - it is there simmering away (or even boiling!) in the background!!! And of course, let's not forget that 4 year old certain somebody! Who, incidentally, thinks that his Momma makes the best chocolate cake in the world! I made 3 different versions this week trying to come up with a favorite... he likes the job of taste tester!

You've been a busy girl! I love the stars! And the hearts are wonderful!
Only the finished quilts will be taken by my family. I've already told my brother to give everything else to a designated quilter! We laugh about that all the time.
Having your own personal chocolate cake tester, well, that is pretty special. They just don't stay little long enough.
LOVE the hearts! You've been busy with everything else you do too.
My problem with making that many cakes....I have to taste-test them too!
I've been thinking about all that "stuff" too....especially after moving. I know my family will treasure the quilts more than the fabric.
I *heart* your quilt, Evelyn! The batiks are fabulously showcased!
Love the yellow stars.
I am in total agreement about USING, and FINISHING those quilts - oh, and labels! If you were to be run over by a truck today, all that fabric would possibly be 'garage-saled', eventually. What good is that? And, having once been the person who had to clean out a mother's home, I KNOW what happens to a LOT of it. A family member will possibly travel long distance, and after spending DAYS cleaning out, exhaustion takes over, and then EVERYTHING goes out the door!
Thanks for the post - gives me more good incentives
I'm trying to use up as much as I can, but if I should die unexpectedly early, I've told my husband, dole it out to my online buddies.
The hearts look fabulous. You took the raw materials and made something wonderful with them. I'm so glad you enjoyed working with the batiks.
I guess it's a good thing I'm not there. I'd have to arm-wrestle with Little Boy over the cake beaters. =)
I think my favorite of the layouts is the one with all 18, anyway.
Wow, busy, busy, busy.
Next time you make chocolate cake can I come for tea please. :-p Yummy.
Like you I like to finish what I start, I'd hate to have WIPS floating around.
Love your hearts and the stars.
And finally, I tagged you, have a look at my blog for the details.
Love your hearts and stars. Your reasoning is exactly why I'm trying to finish so many of my top/projects.
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