Every Tuesday, I am inspired by "Tackle it Tuesday" over on http://www.5minutesformom.com/ (see if this link works... http://www.5minutesformom.com/2931/tt-christmas-thank-you-cards/ ). You can check out what other Mom's have tackled this week. Each small step in getting something done is a victory!
On Tuesdays I usually really try hard to get something "additional" crossed off my list. It works remarkably well - getting me to get in gear to get ALL the Christmas decorations put away right after Christmas, sending out Thank you cards, clean out the toy box, etc. and now... this Tuesday - my objective was to get the Valentine's Day cards done. Last week I bought the piece of posterboard at the Dollar Store. Yesterday I traced the hearts and gave 1/2 to DH to cut out and the 2 of us sat at the table cutting away. Then - Little Boy was set loose with the tubes of glitter, Elmer's glue, paintbrushes, and those glittery things we used as decorations. Believe me - I was very anxious to use those things up - they had come in a little bag and my son found them about 2 weeks ago and they ended up getting strewn all about the house. I've picked them up a few times - vacuming any that I missed. So, yesterday I was really determined to use them ALL!!! Here is a photo of our combined efforts - me working very quickly beside my son to make sure that there was enough glitter to go on all the cards and moving each heart out of the way to dry as it was finished. FAST can be important when working on a pre-schooler craft project. The more you can have done ahead of time - the easier it is! Oh and one more piece of advice - DON'T go for the Martha Stewart look, LOL!!! As for the glitter - we get tubes at the dollar store, but they don't have a shaker. You can get a spice shaker at the dollor store too and just move the glitter into the shaker jar - as needed - believe me, it will last much, much longer in a shaker jar! Anyway - that project is now complete, the table cleaned, the floor vacumed... and it feels good to know tha

As for my own heart project - here is a peek at 4 blocks I made up. I cut all the background squares out and DH marked the diagonal line on each one for me! Not only that - I gave DH a pair of scissors and had him trim all the dog ears on the bonus 1/2 square triangles! I'm always happy to have help. The background squares are cut 3.5" and 2". I have the link to the pattern, but will have to post it on another post since it is bookmarked on a different computer.
And here is a photo of the stack of bricks, with the 1st big square positioned - ready for sewing. I seperated the bricks into 2 piles and then placed the squares - that way I would be sure to sew 1/2 of them to the right and the other 1/2 to the left to get the heart shape on the bottom. There they sit - all ready for whenever I have 5 minutes here and there to sew. Here and there - sure adds up!

Aaaah, memories of glitter ... no matter how hard you try to keep it under control, it always turns out to be messy!
Jeanne :)
The paper Valentines look extra special! What fun to watch Little Boy's enthusiasm, I'll bet!
And my...you've got quite the sweet husband...helping you out with your batik hearts! What great stories that quilt will tell someday! ;-)
What a wonderful time, to judge by the finished Valentines! I just love a good vacuum, don't you? =) I like the way your husband helps with all kinds of projects - especially those involving scissors!
I am having trouble with seeing the drawn lines on those squares...how will you see them when you put fabric over them to stitch on? I must be missing something!
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