An update from my July 13th post - all my blocks are now finished for this Country Wife top! Yippee! The outside edges are connector blocks cut in 1/2, cut into 1/4 for the corners - I just have them folded over for a quick photo. I got the rows pinned together today, so progress.
Does it seem like I get alot of sewing done? Because honestly, I don't really spend that much time sewing in the summer. I sit at my machine in bits and spurts - 10 minutes here and there seem to add up. And - I haven't started anything new - if you look over on my list you will see that I've been working on the same 10 projects all summer, just rotating them around (with the exception of Little Boy's train quilt, PJ's, valances/curtains for my sister and some knitting).
1. Green Ocean Waves I started last year. I now have that up to the borders stage.
2. Country Wife - well that would be this top, which I also started last year.
3. Sampler - haven't done a thing on this yet this summer - many of the blocks are years old!
4. Seashell table runner - I started this 2 years ago and am slowly making progress
5. Sunflower Dresdens - didn't do anything on it yet this summer. Started making the little flowers about 3-4 years ago.
6. HST starts - haven't worked on them yet this summer either. Started making these blocks last summer.
7. Checkerboard log cabin - I made the center of this top at least 3 years ago, maybe longer! So, this summer I've gotten most of the checkerboard border done so far.
8. Bind a log cabin - this quilt has been quilted for several years. I finally have the binding cut out so that is progress.
9. Grandmother's Choice - I made all these blocks over the winter in Austria and still have to set them together.
10. Octagon Flowers - I started making these blocks over the winter in Austria, but ran out of funky fabric. So, I've got these all done right up to the last border - almost finished!
So- that is my current list of things that I am picking away on. Nothing new! I keep reminding myself - it is much faster to finish something that is already started instead of starting something new! Every once in awhile I cut out a scrappy quilt to bring to Austria with me for my winter sewing.
Right now I am just too busy enjoying the outdoors, my flowers, long walks, etc. to use my "free" time sewing. I want my Little Boy to have 100's upon 100's of happy summer memories! Something as simple as a wagon ride or time spent at the playground just makes his day! He keeps me busy, that is for sure! When I do sew - it is usually at night and by then I am very tired so most of the time I quit while I am still ahead (before I need a seam ripper!).
It does feel very good to be making so much progress on my list of UFO's though! Once I cross a few off this list, I have a couple more to add that are waiting for their turn on the list. I just feel that 10 at a time is more than enough to choose from! I want to have finished quilts, not started bits and pieces all over the place. I want to bust my stash. And, I want to use the tools/rulers/supplies that I have already purchased. So far, I think I am staying on track!!!