Friday, November 16, 2007

He is sick...

I-yi-i! Little Boy is never sick, but every once in awhile he will have a hum-dinger allergic reaction to something... a spider(?) bite that swelled his arm 3X normal and turned his skin all red and rubbery in a perfect circle around his body, a bad reaction to a chapstick that peeled off the skin on his lips... and now this. Of course, each time I rush him to the doctor... the primary concern being that his breathing is not affected. This time around once to the hospital at night and the next day to the doctors. He is too young to be tested for bee stings/etc. but I do keep liquid Benedryl in my bag just in case . Yup, I have a bottomless BIG bag that I always toss in the car whenever we go somewhere!

Anyway... he has had a reaction to something that came in contact with his mouth. His glands on either side of his face are swollen like marbles (I actually thought he had mumps at first, but wrong location!), his lips are all puffy (which have now turned brown and are peeling), and worse - the inside of his mouth is full of very painful white blisters - all infected - so for the 2nd time in his life he is on antibiotics. The only thing he has been able to eat today (he wouldn't eat anything yesterday) are scrambled eggs (we have tried mashed potatoes with sour cream, chicken broth, plain noodles, ice cream and popcycles all to no avail) and he will only drink warm tea with plenty of milk - I am thinking the tanagens in the tea is soothing??? But, hey 1 food and 1 drink - I won't complain! It is enough to get him through the worse.

***If you ever think your kids are having an allergic reaction to something - rush them to the hospital if you are close by (right now within 3 minutes to a hospital) OR call 911 immediately*** We are very lucky that the swelling only involved his lips and not his throat, but it could have just as easily moved to his throat which would have created a real emergency. Sometimes re-actions can happen very quickly and THERE MAY BE NO EXTRA TIME TO QUESTION YOURSELF... better safe than sorry!

I hope he feels better soon... I miss the sparkle in his eyes. Poor thing - his lips are so swollen he can't even close his mouth and he sure is drooling alot. I'm tired; I would love a quick shower; and I sure do miss my husband who is in Europe, but we are doing OK. Things could have been alot worse.


Doodlebug Gail said...

Oh no, I am so sorry to see that Growing Boy is so sick. I sure hope you find out what caused the reaction and here's a (((HUG))) for you because I know what it's like dealing with a sick baby alone with no help. Take care of yourself and if I was closer to you I'd be right over to give you some time for a relaxing bubble bath.

Holly said...

Poor kid! Hope he feels better soon. I carry Benadryl with me at all times as I have food allergies - so I know how thankful you must be for it. Glad you are that close to the hospital.

Paula, the quilter said...

O, poor Little Boy! He does look miserable. I do hope you find out what caused it. I, too, have to be careful because of allergies.

Cathi said...

Hope that he is better soon. I am so sorry you are going through this while DH is away :(

Laurie said...

Oh Evelyn, watching our kids be sick is horrible. I have had allergic reactions where my throat is closing up and I need an IV. it is NOT fun. I sure hope Little Boy is fine. It sure is scarey stuff!

Darcie said...

Poor sweetie! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers well as Growing Boy...and his doctors.

Susan said...

Poor little guy! He does look miserable. I was hoping he would feel better by today!

loulee said...

Poor boy. I do hope he feels better soon, I'd much rather see him smiling and enjoying his world.

(((HUGS)))) for you both.