Little Boy and I have had a busy 2 1/2 weeks! We had to make 1 more big trip, driving a truck and towing a 2nd truck on a car transporter trailer. This was a hard drive for me so we took it slowly over the course of 3 days. The way the trailer was loaded, the weight, etc. - well, you felt every single bump in the road. Very jarring, to say the least. Add 1 day of high winds and rain, PLUS the fact the both the front and back tire on the main truck kept loosing air, which of course meant finding gas stations with an easy-access air pump... well, it was a long trip. However, during the trip, we were able to stop at Marden's in Maine, plus LL Bean in Maine, so we had some bright spots. And, Little Boy is such an excellent travler, thankfully! And, upon arrival, one of my sisters got the thing unloaded for me, made us dinner and then gave us a ride home when it was discovered that the 2nd trucks gas tank had been completely syphoned to empty (the 1st truck was still hooked to the trailer and I just wasn't up to driving it), phew! Honestly, after that trip I just didn't feel like doing anything for 3 days!
We have had visiting with the cousins, library story hours, trick-or-treating, trips to the playground, family dinners, night hikes and wood walks, bringing Big Boy in to be winterized... and just the usual schedule of our days.

My quilting fabric purchases from Marden's - all quilt backings, except for the solid purple which is a border. All $2.39 - $2.99 per yard! Thankfully, I had my little list of finished quilt sizes in my notebook so I was able to the right cuts. This fabric is all for quilts that are already made. Strangly enough, I am just not drawn to buying any fabric for new projects right now. I also got fabric for making clothes, but more on that at a later date!

And, I did finish something quilt-y in October - Cars & Stars now has a final border! Finished size is 61X75.

And here is a photo of Little Boy checking out some swans...
I have more to report about, but my time is limited this morning... but more to come later!
Sounds like you had a great time. I am sooo in awe of you driving a tuck and pulling another one - can't imagine it is something I would ever be able to do (or have the confidence to do). Cars & stars looks great finished.
Good to hear from you! Whew, sounds like that was a harrowing drive!
I've been checking your blog regularly to see if you were back. Sounds like a rough trip mixed with some fun. Welcome home!
Welcome home. I've missed you. :-) Sounds like you've had an eventful few weeks.
Glad you had a safe trip! Which Marden's did you go to? I just love that fabric in the lower lefthand corner of the picture - might have to send my mom for some! Congrats on finishing up stars and cars, too. I don't think I had seen a picture of that one.
I was wondering where you were! Welcome back to blogland. Pulling a trailer is no fun even in the best of conditions. You did well.
Evelyn, you take such wonderful pictures. The first one looks like a beautiful painting - so serene. And I love the two pictures of Little Boy - on a super quilt (for him?) and the one of him running towards the swans. Good photographs!
What a trip, Evelyn. Glad you've arrived and are resting up.
Love Cars and Stars...great quilt!
Were you driving a semi?
I'm just impressed with anyone with towing and big rig experience. :)
you did fantastic! I am so glad your sister drove you back...and that you took it easy. Sounds like grand adventures for both of you. glad to have you back for a while.
Good to see you back S'Fishy. Nice quilt, and I love the fabric with the circles on it at the front - nice for a front too?
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