The thing about electric heat is that it makes me thirsty - at 4 am. The other morning I woke up for a drink and then decided... well, to sew. Oh, but only for an hour. I set the kitchen timer to make sure that I went back to bed by 5 am so I wouldn't be totally tuckered out before the day even began. And, lookie there - I got lots done in just 1 hour while my Little Angel was sound asleep. Glory be, I could actually leave my scissors at the sewing machine (gasp), while I got up to iron. Imagine! I think I am on to something here. I think I am going to give up trying to sew altogether when he is awake, it is soooo much more peaceful at 4 am. Oh, and did I mention I get tons more done in 1 hour when he is sleeping than in 1 hour when he is awake?
Country Wife - now finished - or at least ready for long-arm quilting! And - Little Boy in his butterfly fleece bathrobe. When I spread the top out on the floor to take a photo (well, almost completely spread out anyway - there are a few ripples in the photo, but it is actually nice and flat), he took his usual inspection spot. And declared - "Ooohh Momma, it is boootiful!" Think I will keep it - how could I not after that endorsement!