He likes it! This little top measures 56 X 77. Last winter Mary had posted a similar idea on her blog (Making Scrap Quilts from Stash) and I thought it was just too cute. Kids really love the fun novelty prints - so why cut them up? I had almost the entire thing done in about 2 short nights of sewing (last winter), except I had one more panel set and then I was thinking - add the 6" border and the top is w-a-y too long for my son. So, it took a year or so for me to sit down with my seam ripper, remove the extra panel, do a few little cuts across the borders already in place and then sew the final bottom border on. It took me all of... well, about 1 year and maybe an hour? These things take time, you know? The extra panel will be used either as a curtain valance or for 2 pillows.
Nothing like a little trip (that means s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g) to motivate me to get this top finished up so I can measure - need to buy some extra soft flannel for the backing. Sooo, what's on my list? Thread. I am down to my last spool of gray thread which is just about an emergency around here. No such thing as just running out to the store for a spool of thread! Backing for this quilt, the little bargello quilt and my Grandmother's Choice quilt (almost, almost done so I just measured it and added the remaining 2 border measurements). I really like flannel backed quilts, so flannel for all 3 of those quilts. 2-3 fat quarters of dark country colors for my Dresden fans. Yardage for alternate squares for a scrappy 16 patch. Yardage for background fabric for string stars. I have 1 quilt all cut out, but am missing 1 piece of focus fabric - so I need to get that so I can get to sewing it! That is is on the quilting front!!! I need 2 zippers for garmets I am making, cordoroy and fleece for pants for Little Boy and lightweight interfacing for a reversible Bistro apron. I absolutely can not think of another thing I need or want. Of course, Little Boy is sure to find a novelty that he will want to add to his collection!

I don't know if you can see this or not - but the novelty print is nautical lighthouses, etc. The navy has white stars and the lighter blue has a really cool wave like pattern! Can you tell by the photos - Little Boy likes it!
Here is a photo of just the top - with the novelty print facing the correct way - ripples and all after Little Boy was rolling around on it!

When you back with flannel do you still use batting? I'm always worried that the flannel will shrink too much. I can see that Little Boy really loves that quilt.
Evelyn! That is lovely - I enlarged the photo and immediately thought how appropriate the fabric was. Oh yes, I think little boy loves it. I very seldom use anything except flannel on the backs of my quilts - so cosy and snuggly. Enjoy the shopping! Will you visit Mardens? I've heard so much about them .... hopefully I'll get to visit one when we drive to Nova Scotia either this coming summer or in 2009.
of course little boy is thrilled- and so he should be, it came out perfect!
love your shopping list
I can see that LB likes that quilt. Yes he does! It turned out very nicely. The wave print is perfect with the lighthouses. Your shopping trip sounds like fun.
That sweet boy would love anything you made! What a great idea though for a quick quilt!
The quilt looks great, and it is obvious that he loves it! It just needed a little aging. =)
Lovely quilt top :-)
You're such a good Mama! Keep it up - Obviously, he's benefitting!
This is just SOOOOOO CUTE...and yes I would say "he loves it"! I just purchased some flannel on Saturday to back quilts that I will make and donate to *Hugs and Kisses for Kids* in PA...I have not used flannel before, do you have some words of wisdom?
I hope you don't mind my visit to your blog, it is a very nice blog! Barb in PA
I love flannel backs on quilts too and I do use batting with mine. I also don't prewash since I don't prewash fabrics and while they get nice and crinkly like my other quilts I don't think they shrink too much.
This is too cute - how nice that he loves it!
Nothing better than a satisfied customer!! Way to go, Evelyn.
Could that grin get any wider?
Says it all really, no need for words.
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